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1. 一般規則 

1.1 參賽者必須仔細閱讀參賽條款、細則及安排。遞交報名後,即表示參加者遵守及接受在此及其後所有主辦單位/活動策劃所引入之一切參賽條款、細則及安排。

1.2 參加者明白及同意活動屬自願參與性質,參加者願意承擔一切風險及責任,並無權向主辦單位/包括大會丶活動策劃及贊助商/支援機構追討由往返活動場地中、活動中發生或其他原因而引致之自身受傷、意外、死亡或任何形式的損失索償或追究責任。  

1.3 每位參加者必須確保身體健康狀況是適合參加是次活動。主辦單位/活動策劃在懷疑的情況下,保留取消任何不適宜參加者參加的權利,而相關人士必須接受主辦單位/活動策劃的決定。  

1.4 參加者必須確保在報名表格上之資料正確無誤。  

1.5 參加者須於截止日期或之前遞交報名,名額有限,先到先得。  

1.6 主辦單位/活動策劃有權提早截止報名日期,而不作任何通知。  

1.7 如參賽者在提交報名後不得更改個人資料。  

1.8 凡未滿18歲的參加者必須獲得家長或監護人同意才可參加。  

1.9 參加者需按各活動的年齡要求參與(如適用),違例者將被即時取消參加資格及被要求離開賽道/有關活動場地。  

1.10 除主辦單位/活動策劃批准外,所有賽事一律禁止參賽者帶同寵物,或直接或間接使用任何形式車輪運行的物件(包括但不限於自行車、滾軸溜冰鞋、手推車、附有轆的鞋等)進入賽道範圍。  

1.11 若參加者在活動期間因任何行為、過失或蓄意破壞而導致主辦單位/活動策劃支付額外開支,必須對主辦單位/活動策劃作出合理之賠償。  

1.12 參加者同意工作人員、醫務人員、賽事總監或保安有權要求參加者退出比賽/活動,並取消其參加資格。  

1.13 參加者領獎前,需要向大會出示身份證明文件,包括︰香港身份證、護照、殘疾人士登記證等,以核實身份。

1.14 大會沒有為參加者購買公眾責任保險。為保障個人安全,參加者應自行購買個人意外保險及按需要而購買其他合適的保險。 

1.15 主辦單位/活動策劃保留更改大會條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,主辦單位/活動策劃保留最終決定權。


2. 賽事規則  

2.1 每位參加者必須確保身體健康狀況是適合參加並完成是次活動。主辦單位在懷疑的情況下,保留取消任何不適宜參加者參加的權利,而相關人士必須接受主辦單位的決定。

2.2 主辦單位/活動策劃擁有一切決定權,按照參賽者填報的個人最佳成績,安排參賽者分批進行賽事。  
2.3 參加者須把號碼布掛在上衣正面。 

2.4 參加者須自行保存好號碼布,主辦單位/活動策劃將不會重發號碼布。  

2.5 參加者不得騷擾或防礙其他參加者進行活動/比賽,違例者會被取消參加資格及被要求離開有關活動場地。

2.6 所有獎項及名次均以大會公布為準。 

2.7 比賽期間不得作弊,一經發現,違例者會被取消參加資格。

2.8  大會將頒發電子完成證書予所有在大會時間的賽事及場次合乎資格之參賽者。如參賽者未能完成賽事,其參賽資格將會被取消及不會獲頒發任何獎項或證書。 

2.9 如對於獎項及名次有任何爭議,主辦單位/活動策劃保留最終決定權。  

3. 活動取消及退款  

3.1 因應以下原因,主辦單位/活動策劃有權取消或縮短賽事,並且不會因此退還報名的費用及捐款(如適用)。 

a) 惡劣天氣  
b) 活動場地/路線發生山泥傾瀉、泥石流、山火  
c) 抗議示威或活動路線被封閉/阻塞  
d) 不可抗力因素,即發生超出主辦單位/活動策劃所能控制的事件和令舉辦比賽成為不可能,不安全或不切實際的情況。不可抗力事件包括但不限於天災、戰爭、敵對行為、侵略、叛亂、革命、起義、暴動、騷亂、罷工、怠工、禁工或動亂、疾病的爆發以及恐怖主義行為和威脅  "

3.2 所有報名者成功登記後均不可退款,重複報名者將不獲發還重複報名的費用,活動名額不可轉移到其他申請人或賽事。若參加者容許他人用其參賽號碼布/活動名額,此參加者及代跑者將會被取消參加資格及不容許參加將來的活動。  

3.3 主辦單位/活動策劃保留權利取消任何觸犯、違反或不遵守任何大會守則人士的參賽成績。被取消資格參賽者的報名費,將不獲退還(適用於競賽活動)。  

3.4 主辦單位/活動策劃擁有修改及解釋以上規則的權利。任何有關活動的臨時改動或取消,將以活動網站公佈為準。

1. General Rules 

1.1 Participants must study the event rules and regulations carefully. Upon submission of your application of entry, a participant is deemed to have accepted all Terms and Conditions of the Event, the Official Rules as stipulated and also to those that may be later introduced by the Organizer/Event Producer. 

1.2 Participants understand and agree that participation in the Event is voluntary and at the own risk of participants. Each participant agrees to absolve the Organizer, Event Producer and any sponsor and/or supporting organizations from any and all liabilities arising from bodily injuries, accidents, death or other losses during or caused by travelling to and from the event venue during in the event or whatsoever reason. 

1.3 Each participant shall be physically fit and have the ability to participate in the Event. The Organizer/Event Producer reserves the right to disallow/disqualify any person who is known or suspected by the Organizer/Event Producer to be physically unfit to participate in the Event and such person shall accept such decision of the Organizer/Event Producer accordingly. 

1.4 All information provided by a participant in the registration form must be true and accurate. 

1.5 All entries must be submitted no later than the registration deadline. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

1.6 The Organizer/Event Producer reserves the right to close the registration any time, whether before or after the registration deadline specified, without prior notification. 

1.7 The change of participant’s personal data after the submission of application is not accepted.

1.8 Participants aged 18 or below must be obtained the consent by a parent/guardian. 

1.9 All participants should register according to the age requirement of each category respectively (if applicable). Offenders will be disqualified and requested to leave the race course/ event venue. 

1.10 No pets or any form of wheel-run objects of transport, including but not limited to bicycles, skates, push carts, shoes with built-in rollers are allowed, except those authorized by the Organizer/Event Producer. 

1.11 Participants shall indemnify and/or reimburse the Organizer/Event Producer in respect of any additional expenses or costs incurred by the Organizer/Event Producer arising from or in connection with any fault or action or behaviour of such Participants during participation in the Event. 

1.12 Participants must retire and leave the race course/event venue immediately if requested by any race official, medical staff, race director or security staff. 

1.13 Race Winners will be required to present their identification including HK identity card, passport or Registration Card for People with Disabilities for verification. 

1.14 Public liability insurance is covered by the Organizer. This does not include personal accident insurance. It is recommended that all participants to purchase your own personal accident insurance and other relevant insurance according to your needs. 

1.15 The Organizer/Event Producer reserves the right to amend the program of the rules and regulations. Should there be disputes, the Organizer/Event Producer reserves the right to the final decision. 

2. Race Rules & Regulations 

2.1 Each participant shall be physically fit and have the ability to participate and finish the Event. The Organizer reserves the right to disallow or disqualify any person who is known or is suspected by the Organizer to be physically unfit to participate in the Event and such person shall accept the decision made the Organizer accordingly. 

2.2 The Organizer/Event Producer reserves the right to divide the participants according to the best personal results they declared into various groups. The groups will start at different times to avoid unnecessary congestion. 

2.3 Participants should place your race bib visibly on the front of your top clothing. 

2.4 Participants shall keep their own race bib securely.  The Organizer/ Event Producer would not re-issue a new race bib under any circumstances. 

2.5 Participants must not harass or impede other participants from conducting activities / competitions. Offenders will be disqualified and requested to leave the event venue.

2.6 Official Times will be used for determining the prizes and positions.

2.7 Cheating in the game is also not allowed. Offenders will be disqualified once found. 

2.8 E-certificate of Achievement will be issued to all qualified participants with an Official Time in all races and categories. Participants who do not start the race according to the designated start time and assigned registered race category and participants who do not complete the race, shall not be entitled to any awards and certificates.

2.9 Should there be disputes of the prizes and positions, Organizer/Event Producer reserve the right of the final decision. 



3.1 The Organizer/Event Producer reserves the right to cancel or cut short the Event for the following reasons. Registration fee and charitable donation (if applicable) will not be refunded. 

a) adverse weather conditions 
b) landslides, rock falls or hill fires along the course. 
c) protests or blockage along the course. 
d) Force majeure i.e. due to occurrence of incidents that are beyond the control of the Organizer/Event Producer and which renders it impossible, unsafe or impractical to hold the event. A force majeure event shall include, but is not limited to, act of God, war, hostilities, invasion, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, riot, commotion, strikes, go-slows, lock outs or disorder, outbreak of disease, acts or threats of terrorism. 

3.2 No refund is allowed after registration is completed. Registration fee paid for duplicated entries will not be refunded and places cannot be transferred to another applicant or race. If a participant allows another party to attend on his or her behalf, both participant and the runner who run on behalf of the participant will be disqualified and might not allowed to participate in future events. 

3.3 The Organizer/Event Producer reserves the right to disqualify any person and / or nullify his or her result due to any violation the Official Rules of the Event. No refund will be accommodated in the case of disqualifications (applicable to races).  

3.4 The Organizer/Event Producer reserves the right of final decision of the event. Any changes or contingent measures for the event announced by the Organizer/Event Producer and posted on the event’s website shall prevail.  

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