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活動費用全免,只需要在筆記商城報名參加,就會收到號碼布圖檔及 Strava 連結。

參加者在一個月內一次或分多次完成該月路線,把活動紀錄和指定地標的照片上傳至 Strava 即有機會獲得禮品!

Registration is completely FREE, once you register via Shopping Biji HK, you will receive a BIB and a Strava link.

Participants could complete the event once or separately in each stage, you are entitled to win the gift once your activities record and the landmark images are uploaded to Strava.



Finish Time



最遲下一個月十日把上個月的跑步記錄上載至大會的 Strava。


For each route, there is ONE month for all the participants to finish, starting from 1st of the month to 30th or 31st of the month. Participants can finish the route in one time or as many times as they want. 

Participants are required to upload the activity logs to our Strava group of previous month no later than 10 days of next month. 

所有參加者起步時請帶同最少 1000 毫升飲料、少許食物、一部能打通本地網絡的手提電話、少許現金及八達通。

All participants are recommended to bring container(s) with drinks of 1000ml or more, some food,a mobile phone with valid local network, some cash and Octopus card when start.


Suggested Gears


Number BIB



All participants are suggested to show their number BIB in the front part of the body.



There is no marking along routes. All participants should read the route before start.



Route Marking




大會利用手機應用程式 ViewRanger 準備好路線,參加者可以使用該程式的導航功能,亦可以在 ViewRanger 下載路線成 GPX 檔案,再把它上載至 GPS 手錶,或其他常用的導航儀器。


All the routes are prepared on the online platform of ViewRanger. Participants can open the app of ViewRanger to access the routes provided by the organizer and activate the function of navigation. Participants can also download the GPX format of the route and upload it to your favorable devices.


Shortcut or Wrong Way


a. 大會在每條路線上均有若干指定地標,參加者必須與地標合照,照片內需要清晰顯示參號碼布編號及地標本身;及
b. 所有參加者的完成里數不得少於大會建議路線的里數。


All participants are suggested to follow the route, but we understand that participants may run a wrong way, or cannot exactly follow it. For the principle of fairness, participants have to follow the rules as below, or the result would not accepted.


a.    We found some landmarks along routes. Participants have to take pictures with their BIB number and the landmark itself have to be clearly shown on the picture ; and

b.    The completed mileages of all the related activities cannot be less than those of the suggested routes.



No littering is allowed during the event. Any participant is found littering, his result will be disqualified.


No Littering



No Appeal



The organizer's decision on any disqualification is final.

如遇緊急情況,請馬上撥打主辦單位緊急聯絡電話 54711974。


In case of emergency, please call the organizer's emergency contact number 54711974.






Adverse weather

所有參加者在出發前請查詢香港天文台的天氣預告,如天氣惡劣 ( 颱風、暴雨、雷暴 ) 請勿出發,如活動時遇上惡劣天氣請所有參加者暫停比賽及留在結構穩固的遮蔽處。


Participants are recommended to check the weather forecast from Hong Kong Observatory. Do not start in case of the following adverse weather condition (typhoon, heavy rain, thunderstorm). If participants face adverse weather condition during the race, please stop and stay in a well-structured shelter.


Health and safety advice

1.    參加者須清楚明白活動內容及活動性質,並知道此活動需要消耗體力,同時確定健康情況適宜參與是次活動。主辦機構建議所有參賽者於活動時自行留意個人的身體狀況是否良好及是否適合參與活動。如有疑問,請先諮詢醫生的意見。於活動期間如有不適,請立即停止活動。

Participants should understand the event content and nature and participating in this event requires physical exertion. Participants should be in sound medical condition capable of participating in the event. The Organiser suggests all participants to monitor their own physical conditions deemed fit and capable for participating in the event. In case of doubt, please seek medical advice in advance. In case you are feeling sick during the event, you should immediately stop the activity.


2.    參加者橫過馬路時必須遵守交通指示及留意路面情況。

Participants must comply with the traffic regulation and pay attention to vehicles when crossing the road.


3.    參加者請自行進行防曬措施,例如自備防曬用品、配戴帽子及多喝水。

Participants should take protective measures against UV, such as applying sunscreen, wearing caps and drinking water.


4.    任何懷孕或患有慢性疾病如心臟病及高血壓的人士,皆不應參加是次活動。

People who are pregnant or with chronic diseases, like heart disease and high blood pressure, are not recommended to participate in the event.


5.    主辦機構建議參加者自行購買個人意外保險。主辦單位對參加者安全一概不負責任。

Participants are advised to purchase their own insurance cover if necessary. The organizer is not responsible for the safety of participants.



The Organizer reserves the right to amend or clarify the above race rules.






Event Terms &Conditions

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